Recently Chris and I learned they our close friend (old roommates) wife had fallen ill with an undiagnosed issue.... if thats not scary enough she got worse and worse until she was basically unconscious. We drove from NC to Michigan to be with our buddy as he gets news that he needs to prepare for her to pass and be widowed. While we were there he got a test back that triggered something so a specific test for Sporatic CJD was 98% certain. This is a 1 in 1 million fatal brain disease. Its been a sad journey watching a healthy woman fall ill leave her 3 beautiful kids and husband behind.
We have known our friend Scott since elementary school and I've known his wife Casey since College. I was able to return to Michigan this past weekend, And I was able to be there for my friend as Casey was finally slipping into eternal life. We had hung out, talked about the future, past, and whatever we needed too while Casey was slowing down. I left that afternoon and she passed away a little bit later surrounded by her mom and husband.
I am Sad my friend has died, and I am Sad for my friend who has a huge hole is his heart. Please say a prayer for our Friends The Bishop's.
If you can please help this family as they continue on without there wife/mom