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Hey everyone, Ive been asked several times about my tattoos so I figured I would explain everything here!

I have a Bunch from all over. My first Tattoo was a Star shape on my left shorter that my sister and wife both have. I have a Tribal by Leo Zulueta from Spiral tattoo in Ann Arbor on my right shorter surrounding the Holy Trinity knot (made famous by John Bonham and Led Zeppelin) all done free hand. My left leg sleeve was done by Jeff Zuck at Name Brand Tattoo in Ann Arbor. I was lucky enough to get the sketches of Rajin and Fujin from Jeff and he will be doing more for me in the future. I have "love" written in Greek on my ring finger matching my wife. We got them on Seattle somewhere on the "Hey Girl Tour" on our 7th wedding anniversary. My right forearm tribal seahorse was done at a small show in Albuquerque representing my Mom. The word "life" in greek (Zoe) and a Lyre for Apollo - God of music, representing my two youngest on my right wrist done at Nashville Ink. And a theatrical comedy mask representing my oldest Thalia - the muse of comedy on my tricep from Nico at Ink Therapy in Sanford NC. My inner right arm is a tribal sea turtle done by Roland Pacheco the "Tattoo Nomad" and Ink Master Alum at his shop on the big island Hawaii representing strength protection and longevity. And Lastly my chest has my kids names over my heart done by good buddy Matt "Skip" Charron at Modern Odyssey Tattoo in Glen Falls NY (he also did a Cross on my leg)

Anyway All great Artists! Ive been lucky and appreciate the art! more to come!

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